Kelly Albers
Professional Memberships:
Hi, I am Kelly Albers!
I have always been interested in helping others, I have a passion to heal.
I initially wanted to be a General Practitioner, that didn’t happen, my family did not like the idea.
I have extensive experience in healing on all levels, including hands on healing, Pranic Healing, and dabbled a bit in past life therapy, I am a Reiki Master, and once to my surprise, I cured a persons deafness during a workshop on Pranic Healing.
I have a Certificate IV in massage, including Sports and Rehabilitation Massage and have worked as a Massage Therapist for 15 years.
I am Interested in Medical Astrology, and many alternate healing methods including Quantum Touch.
Medical Astrology gives you a key to the illnesses you may be prone to during your lifetime from birth to the ending of your time spent here, and dhoed you thr best way to overcome your concerns. It also shows you what you have decided to learn and experience in this life and what you learnt in your past.
I am a Fellow of ATMS, Australian Traditional Medicine Society, as well as being affiliated with HHAI and American Board of Hypnotherapy. My qualifications are listed below.
Diploma in: Foundation Homeopathy through Health and Harmony college, the homeopathic remedies designed specifically for you with the reparatory chart will bring your body back into balance in no time.
Diploma in Psychotherapy and EFT through Health and Harmony College combined with hypnosis, time line therapy and eft, this course will give you the freedom you have longed for.
Master Practitioner Hypnosis, Time Line Therapy, and NLP through Tad James International, this international business is in my opinion the best in the world, their techniques are simple to follow, and if you are willing to embrace change you can achieve anything your heart may desire when you follow these techniques and apply them in your everyday life.
Certificate IV in Remedial Massage through Australian School of Massage, incorporating Advanced Sports techniques and appropriate stretches for muscular conditions with rehabilitation strengthening after injury. With the combination of these therapies this can take you from a person who has an interest in improving their body to become an athlete that you have always dreamt of becoming. All you have to do is follow the program designed specifically for you.
Currently studying Integrative Medicine through Quantum University Hawaii – this is the medicine of the future. It incorporates many different modalities including Chinese medicine, and ayurvedic. The integrative Medicine practitioner incorporates all the fields of alternative medicine into one neat package. I was born to heal, and with all of these modalities combined you will be at your utmost health emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
Currently studying Essential Oil coaching through The Essential Oil Institute -An essential oil coach teaches his or her clients to improve their physical, mental and emotional health using essential oils and other natural solutions for addressing health concerns.
Am currently implementing Hair Analysis into my business, through Interclinical Laboratories this shows you which minerals are out of balance in your system, and helps you bring your body back into homeostasis.